The Yolo County Historical Society strives to preserve, protect, and acknowledge the diverse history of the county through education, communication, and advocacy. About us.

Our museums: Hattie Weber Museum of Davis and the Yolo County Fair Museum.

Other Local History Websites.

For genealogical assistance, please contact Yolo County Archives phone 530-666-8010,


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EVENTS CALENDAR*(Times and dates may change, so please check back for updates.)

Tues. Feb. 18
10 AM-12

Tues. March 4
10 AM-12
Board meeting* (?)County Fair Museum, Woodland.

Tues. April 1
10 AM-12
Board meeting* The Winters Museum, 13 Russell Street, on the corner of Russell and First Streets, Winters.

Tues. May 6
10 AM-12
Board meeting* Hattie Weber Museum, 445 C Street, Davis.

*YCHS members and the general public are welcome and encouraged to attend our Board of Directors meetings and other events.

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Thanks to Richard Yamagata and John Laugenour of Virtual Market Enterprises for their assistance.

WebMs: Barbara Sommer